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DON MountyHall
Modérateurs de ce forum : Aghabeu, Dabihul, Grankausto, Loinvu, Madère, Mamoune, Modérateur 6, Modérateur1, Modérateur2, Modérateur3, Modérateur4, Modérateur5, Mr x, Rouletabille, Schtroumpf, TilK, VYS, Xaruth
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Version imprimable

#. Message de fabrouch69 le 12-01-2003 à 20:07
1683 - ( )
Pays: Spain  Inscrit le : 19-09-2002  Messages: 179 (Golem Costaud)   Citer Citer
fierce mercenaries is a better translate i think

#. Message de Jos. le 12-01-2003 à 20:50
Pays: Belgium  Inscrit le : 11-01-2003  Messages: 26 (P'tit Gob')   Citer Citer

Terribly sorry Grosquick, I apologise, thanks for the offered help. As for the competence suggested by fabrouche, that seems to be a realy good tip, I'll make work of it as soon as I get my hands (because still no dague, only managed to pick up an armure de cuir so far) on one of the many monsters that were so kind to pop up in my view recently.

Running away from the mentioned guilds isn' exactly what I intend to. I joined a guild recently and they seem pretty capable of standing up for themselves   My forum name is indeed the same as my troll name, so we'll see what happes won't we?  Speaking of guilds, since yours translates as fierce mercenaries, maybe I could hire you guys for hitting a powerful monster and leaving the last strike, the finishing touch for me? Or hunting down some enemies?  Anyway, you couldn'be worse than the JSCV could you? Because I read about them in 'Discussion' and of all guildes they seem to be the worst for a young troll's health.

Maybe a suggestion: your guild could challenge them for a duel to find out who is the most evil. That way everybody else gets some breathing room.  Just kidding.

Thanks again for being so nice, I do have some questions concerning the best ways to spend my acquired PX, and as soon as I got enough, I'll post a subject on that in let's say 'Questions'

Jos, intending to kick some monsters tonight



#. Message de Groquick le 12-01-2003 à 21:16
  [Ami de MountyHall]
1653 - ( )
Pays: France  Inscrit le : 16-12-2002  Messages: 2028 (Djinn Tonique)   Citer Citer

My nickname is Groquick...not grosquick, who is another troll...

But everybody do the same mistake... 

Well, we will not fight against ths JSCV, but if you  tell me the name of your guild, we could arrange an erradication just for you... Just kidding

I am waiting for your new topic on question


good luck

#. Message de fabrouch69 le 12-01-2003 à 22:35
1683 - ( )
Pays: Spain  Inscrit le : 19-09-2002  Messages: 179 (Golem Costaud)   Citer Citer

Me i am without guild! And i feel good like that for the moment

I don't know where you are in mountyhall but close with X 40 Y 40 N-8 there some dagues  and masse d'arme for the moment.


#. Message de trollhyene le 13-01-2003 à 02:05
  [Ami de MountyHall]
167 - Trollhyene (Skrim 50)
- Les Trollonisateurs -
Pays: France  Inscrit le : 28-05-2002  Messages: 628 (Shaï Epileptique)   Citer Citer

j'ai compris qu'il propose un duel entre les faMes et les JSCV mais j'ai du mal !!!

Jos>> tel us the name of your Guild please.

TRollhyene - Overdosé de créme anglaise

#. Message de Groquick le 13-01-2003 à 02:30
  [Ami de MountyHall]
1653 - ( )
Pays: France  Inscrit le : 16-12-2002  Messages: 2028 (Djinn Tonique)   Citer Citer
sisi, c est bien ca...mais c est une blague...faut pas rever les enfant...:-)

#. Message de Lord Menach le 13-01-2003 à 09:29
  [Ami de MountyHall]
378 - ( )
Pays: Spain  Inscrit le : 14-08-2002  Messages: 71 (Momie Baveuse)   Citer Citer

Hello everybody,

Answer to trollhyene's question : the name of the guild is ... the Clan from the Centre of the World.  (This also answers to Jos' question )

Jos is interested in joining us. He will meet us and see if we both can be happy ! I like your post : let's be interbational !!!

Por cierto, si existen trolles hispanofónos, bienvenidos también serán en el Clan del Centro del Mundo.


#. Message de finlard le 13-01-2003 à 09:56
  [Ami des Monstres]
2345 - finlard (Tomawak 39)
Pays: Uzbekistan  Inscrit le : 02-12-2002  Messages: 873 (Shaï Epileptique)   Citer Citer
Hello toti le mundos,

Peharps the best chose to hacer, is a géant melt de todos les languages.

Viva la new parolos de la europ!

Finlard who has du mal à se relires

#. Message de Jos. le 13-01-2003 à 12:58
Pays: Belgium  Inscrit le : 11-01-2003  Messages: 26 (P'tit Gob')   Citer Citer

Groquick I'm looking into it, but there's already a lot of topics answering partially the questions I have, and I wouldn't like to force people repeating themselves. I'm thinking of... hmmm... you will see And as the Great LordMenach already said: The CCM is the object of my interest, as they are very well organised, quite powerful and have a set of behaviour rules wich I find to be fair and also goodhearted all the way. This applies to the members as well

Trollhyene, Concernant le duel , en fait, it was just a joke , there already seems to be enough clan-wars going on, et je ve voulais pas commencer encore une.

Fabrouche, my Y-coordinate is already  about -10, and I should be heading in the opposite direction to meet my hopefully future guilde. But i really do appreciate your help!

LordMenach; thanks for the quick reply. I hope to have a good start in the CCM!

And Finlard (am i mistaking or isn't that an elven name, from 'The Silmarilon' by Tolkien. If  this is an unpolite question , please ignore , but it's because I don't know anybody else who read it as well!) We peut-être könnten inventare inderdaad una new language, ma the problem est que alors nobody  va même probieren zu capire wat wir disons. And I wouldn't want that to happen

Jos, confused himself by the multi-language sentence... sticking to english

#. Message de fébib le 13-01-2003 à 15:31
  [Ami de MountyHall]
331 - ( )
Pays: France  Inscrit le : 05-06-2002  Messages: 275 (Golem Costaud)   Citer Citer

I understand all this Topic in English, that's wonderful!!! But My written English is very bad... I mean no problem if you post in English: you see lots of Trolls can understand and answer I'm sure some of us are very happy to practice English in this way

#. Message de Loinvu le 15-01-2003 à 08:07
  [MH Team]   [Linguiste et Trõllologue]  [Ami de MountyHall]
109 - Loinvu (Tomawak 35)
Pays: France  Inscrit le : 21-05-2002  Messages: 5862 (Hydre Fumante)   Citer Citer

I think so too. =)

And Mà°y° thé Flàmé bé wïth ûs !!


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